The Risk Predictor

This tool can compute the marginalized risk for microscopic involvement in individual lymph node levels based on the tumor and LNL diagnosis entered.

Each risk prediction is based on a particular model, which is selected from the model list. From this list, or from the link at the top of each risk predictor dashboard, you can follow a link to the repository where the model was defined and trained. More information on the data and parameters used can be found there.

Warning: At this point in time, the risk prediction should not yet serve as clinical guideline to any treatment! It is merely to visualize the results of our work on modelling lymphatic metastatic progression. We are, however, working on a clinical trial to validate the model (reach out to us by sending a mail to if you want to know more).


Tumor Diagnosis

In this box, the diagnosis w.r.t. the tumor can be entered. Depending on the model, this may consist e.g. of the T-category and whether or not the tumor crosses the mid-sagittal line.


Use this box to specify the modality that was used to diagnose the individual lymph node levels. This means using the sliders to adjust the sensitivity and specificity of the modality.

LNL Diagnosis and Risk

This panel displays the marginalized posterior risk of microscopic disease for each of the lymph node levels. The three-way toggle buttons next to each level allow to indicate which levels were clinically observed to harbor metastases or to appear healthy. Together with the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic modality, this information is considered in the calculation of the risk.